
Episode 1 - The Five Numbers Podcast

Written by Arnold Shields | Apr 23, 2014 8:26:21 AM


Listen to Podcast on iTunes here

Welcome to the very first episode of the Five Numbers podcast, where we are going to discover the secrets to growing your business exponentially.

So why the Five Numbers podcast?

Well because there are just Five Numbers that you need to focus on to build your business exponentially and it is by understanding these numbers and their relationship with each other that you get to discover the real power of business.

Now you might say I hate numbers, I hate doing my books and that is why we are only concentrating on just five numbers - they go to the core of your business and why you do or do not make a profit. And lets be honest about it, that why we are in business.
But are you going to be happy about a 10% increase in profits - to be honest with everything going on in your business, all the things that you have to do - a 10% increase is nothing to get excited about.

What you are about to discover is how to double and triple your profits year on year.

To acheive this you need a shift in thinking that it is possible and to understand your these five numbers combine and feed off each other to exponentially grow your profits and the value of your business.