We have made a video on our Lawcalc site showing how to use our free Lawcalc service.
Lawcalc - Personal Injury Damages Calculator
We have just relaunched Lawcalc - Dolman Bateman's online personal injury damages calculator at lawcalc.dolmanbateman.com.au.
Lawcalc is a web-based digital calculator of personal injury damages. It is designed for the use of solicitors and barristers involved in personal injury litigation throughout Australia, but at this stage just New South Wales and Victoria. The other states will follow soon. Lawcalc enables you to quickly and accurately calculate heads of damage in minutes.
Lawcalc calculates personal injury damages in seconds including
- past and future economic loss,
- past and future superannuation loss,
- past and future domestic care, and
- future medicals & equipment costs
One of the really powerful features of Lawcalc is the ability to create multiple scenarios, so that you can quickly quantify the effect of every argument.
We have built the relevant legislation into the calculations so that the correct discount rate, average weekly earnings and tax rates are applied. A list of the legislation is included on the legislation page.
Lawcalc is free to use, but you need to register for username and password. To register go to lawcalc.dolmanbateman.com.au